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Broccoli, Asparagus & Sprouted Quinoa Salad


Spring is also the traditional time for detoxing and working with the liver. With this in mind, I’ve been making light easy to digest foods for my family, like my salad of lightly steamed broccoli, asparagus and sprouted quinoa flavoured with unpasteurised apple cider vinegar and olive oil.

In Traditional Chinese 5 Medicine, Winter is the time to eat vegetables which are grown underground, whereas Spring is the time to vegetables grown over ground. According to TCM, food growing underground is more energetically dense and suited for the cold winter climate whilst food grown over ground is energetically lighter and tuned into the Spring environment.

Spring is also the traditional time for detoxing and working with the liver, the master detox organ. With this in mind, I’ve been making light easy to digest foods for my family, like my salad of lightly steamed broccoli, asparagus and sprouted quinoa with unpasteurised apple cider vinegar (a potent pro-biotic) and olive oil.

Quinoa is gluten-free and a complete protein. It’s technically a seed and not a grain. To sprout quinoa is really easy, all you need is some time and forward planning. I soaked my quinoa in water over night then drained off all the water. The soaked quinoa was left to sprout in a covered bowl. It took less than 2 days to sprout in my kitchen.

I chose asparagus and purple sprouting broccoli. They are both rich in anti-oxidants and most importantly support liver detoxification.

Some Asparagus Benefits

  • Provides a wide variety of antioxidant nutrients, including vitamin C, beta-carotene, vitamin E, and the minerals zinc, manganese, and selenium.
  • An excellent source of folic acid, vitamin B1, and vitamin B2 as well as a very good source of niacin, choline, vitamin B6, and pantothenic acid. B vitamins play a vital role in the metabolism of sugars and starches, they are therefore critical for healthy blood sugar management. B vitamins also play a key role in regulation of homocysteine, an amino acid which can become elevated within the blood and is a strong risk factor for heart disease.
  • Contains substantial amounts of inulin, which feeds beneficial gut bacteria

For some further interesting information on broccoli benefits see Dr Mercola and Wellbeing Secrets

So here’s how I made this salad.


1 cup pre-cooked sprouted quinoa
1 cup pre-cooked kidney beans (if you have time sprout these as well)
3 cups asparagus and purple sprouting broccoli
3-4 spring onions
1 cup fresh coriander
3-4 tbsp of virgin olive oil
1-2 tbsp unpasteurised apple cider vinegar
Seasonings to taste (I used Himalayan salt and freshly ground black pepper)

  1. I cut the broccoli and aspaagus into bite-sized pieces and steam lightly for around 5 minutes.
  2. I flavour around 1 cup of pre-cooked quinoa sprouts with about 3 table spoons of virgin olive oil and 1 tablespoon of unpasteurised apple cider and pear vinegar.
  3. Next, I sprinkle on some mineral-rich Himalayan salt and freshly ground black pepper over my pre-cooked sprouted quinoa
  4. I add around 3 cups of my lightly steamed asparagus and broccoli and give it all a mix and a taste. I add in more flavourings if it needs it.  
  5. Around 1 cup pre-cooked kidney beans are then added
  6. I mix in some freshly chopped coriander and spring onions (about a cup).

Basically that’s it! 

I am glad to report the family loved this salad and have been asking for more on the same theme.
I’ll keep you all posted 🙂